What Happened At Pentecost?
The following text is the raw, unedited transcript from a sermon given on May 28th, 2023 at Christ Our Hope Anglican Church in Olympia, WA. You can also listen to the audio. Better yet, subscribe to the podcast! :-) I am setting a timer for myself because we're
God's Promises vs. Our Expectations
The following text is the raw, unedited transcript from a sermon given on May 14th, 2023 at Christ Our Hope Anglican Church in Olympia, WA. You can also listen to the audio. Better yet, subscribe to the podcast! :-) In uh today's collect, we find another good sort
When You Need The Way, Truth, and Life
Jesus said “I am the way of the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except by me.” I think there are some things that get lost in the focus on the second half of that statement. I want to focus on the first part in such a way that it doesn't negate the rest.
# Not My Emperor?
#notmypresident #notmyking #notmyemperor What would Jesus Tweet? What did Jesus do? 1 Peter answers both questions, and tells us what we should do too.
What Is Anglican To Me
What do you mean when you say, "Anglican"? Lemme 'splain. No, there is too much. Lemme sum up.
Jesus As Savior and Example
Jesus' sacrifice for sin makes it possible to receive His gifts. His example for Godly living leads us to daily following in His steps. What does this look like?
Lent - The Most Free Slaves
You have given up all of your own freedoms and say, "I now fully, completely surrender to You." And that's why we use the word, "Lord."
Lent - Our Identity, Walk, and Work
Our identity, who we are, what we are in Christ and our walk, which is our active relationship with him, how we live our lives are tied up in walk is work.
Lent - Sufficiency
God's sufficiency is learned, not earned. God offers above and beyond in Jesus. Our belief is sufficient to God for our salvation. But it always bears fruit in actions.
Lent - Temptation
Temptation and testing are two sides of the same coin. Satan wants to see you fail. God wants to see you succeed. Here are some thoughts to help you succeed with the Lord.